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The aerial photos and images obtained through space probes show us the earth’s surface and the human footprints that characterize it as an objective reality, which exists and lives outside the individual. This is the rationalist grammar, which defines conventional geography and which wants to be a fundamental part of the knowledge on which our life is based. There is, however, another way of representing the earth’s surface, which is that of art in which the sacredness of places, physical and psychic, is considered as part of our profound experience and our perception of the world. This is the humanistic grammar, which places the individual in his existential conditions, at the center of representation, and considers places in terms in which they become part of the emotional and spiritual sphere.

The exhibition compares different ways and grammars, addressing fundamental issues, from the city to the urban network, to the landscape, to the concept of border, to the experience of human beings who live on Planet Earth. All the elements of nature communicate with each other and nothing is separate, only to us human being things appear divided, in reality they are all linked together as parts of a single body.Just as every grammar etymologically implies the téchne, that is “art (or technique) of writing”, the terrestrial grammar assumed by creative communication goes beyond the ordinary vision of things, it needs to be nourished by the exchange between entities of the same organic cycle that is they recognize them as part of the whole.

There is therefore a grammar, a law, a rule, which structures the physical (and non-physical) world that surrounds us, just as there is a syntax, a communication impressed by human being who renews the present with his work, always creating new schedules. Terrestrial grammar is the language of nature with its perfectly interconnected codes that make up the geographical, biological and psychic space. To expand our thinking and evolve, we should make our own the royal message of master Joseph Beuys “Human being  and nature with a united soul will build a new world “. (S.C.)



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